Monday, October 4, 2010

Day by day

So I'm sitting on my couch (ok, Tiane's couch) and I am listening to my vast collection of 1-1-SIX music. For those of you not familiar with the 1-1-SIX clique, it is a group of christian rap artists who seem to speak to me. All of their songs are pulled straight from not only scripture but how that scripture applies to their lives. It is rather awe inspiring when you you really listen to the lyrics. The 1-1-SIX moniker is derived from Romans 1:16. "I am not ashamed of the Gospel of Jesus, for it is the salvation of man, first the Jew and then the Gentile." But that is not the point of this post. The point is that while listening to this collection of music I realize that my journey into rehabilitation is not an overnight process. I am very much a child of the now generation. This 14 second attention span, microwave, high speed internet, give it to me know mentality. Because I have one good day this does not mean that I am all of a sudden a better person. While it may be a step in the right direction, it does not mean I am where I should be. I will never be where I should be and I am coming to realize this. I will never achieve true holiness here on earth, but I am sure going to try. I am going to work on seeking God's face more. Reading His word more. Spending every day of my life not just proving myself to the people the I love but proving myself to God. I am and abomination in His sight need to be cleansed. I know that true joy comes through Him. I have been too quick to accept the flies and maggots that the world offers instead of the bread of life. So I now vow to for the first time be still and know that he is God.

Till Next Time  <><

Friday, October 1, 2010

The First Step Is Realizing you have a problem.

So as I sit down to write this blog, my mind ponders what to write about. I know the title of the blog is "Rehab from Sin," but I wonder, do I write about my experiences of failure and realizations of my own inadequacies which lead me to seek rehabilitation from my sins. On the other hand, though, I could do research experiences of others, perhaps people in the public. These could serve as wake up calls to people that they should repent of their sin and fall to their face before Jesus. As I fully delve into this quagmire of ideas, the answer becomes clear. The bible itself asks how I am capable of seeing the speck in my brother's eye; when there is a plank in mine? In most rehabilitation programs, they say that the first step is admitting that you have a problem. So with that in mind...

My name is Zach and I'm addicted to sin.

I've been addicted to sin for almost 28 years now and I'm in deep. I am a habitual liar. I have made up lies to justify my lies. I've made it painfully aware to the people I love the most that, left to my own desires, I show little remorse for anyone's feelings, and I do not think my actions through without thinking of the consequences. I live a very hedonistic and self pleasurable life which leaves me little time to consider other people in my actions. I have, in some capacity, hurt every single person I have ever come in contact with. Whether it is by lying to them or cheating on them or stealing from them. In the case of the love of my life, I have done all three. Of all the people who deserve damnation, I top this list. I know that I cannot make it through this life on my own. I realize that I need Jesus to cleanse me. As I fall to my knees and cry out to Jesus I come to another realization. To get back to Jesus, I just have to turn around, because he is right behind me. He welcomes back quicker than Forrest Gump took Jenny back. He does discipline me and makes me understand that to make things right I must not only repent of my sins and follow him by taking up my cross daily, but I must seek forgiveness to all that I have hurt.

So this is my blog. My chronicle of my journey to repentance and becoming a true disciple of the most high God. It will be gritty and raw. I will be sharing my life with you in hopes that you do not have to learn the hard way as I have had to do. Praise be to the Most High Jesus! May His kingdom reign forever and may you see inside your heart realize your sins and how despicable they are to God and will turn away from sin and truly follow Him!

Until next time!